
PowerApps export as package fails due to missing connections

Sometimes when we are working with PowerApps, adding new connections like to Microsoft Flow or external services and then we decide we don’t need some of them anymore and therefore we are removing it, but forgetting to first delete it in PowerApps, we are finding ourselves in situation, where when trying to export the app as a package, we are facing a very hard to debug issue.

Microsoft Forms Pro

Microsoft Forms Pro – review

Microsoft Forms application has been in Office 365 for quite a time. As soon as it was made available to commercial tenants, I made a post in which I reviewed the product and compared it to Google Forms. Almost two years have passed and we have a new product – Microsoft Forms in the Pro version. What is that? Read on!

Discovering suspended workflows with Microsoft Flow

In my daily work over business processes in Office 365, specifically in SharePoint Online, one thing annoys me the most – namely the lack of mechanisms to inform me that the workflow has hung up – that it is in a “Suspended” state.

The solution for that issue is not provided by Microsoft or Nintex – the company with which products I have been working for a quite long time. There are only workarounds, but they are inadequate, and I wanted to be able to react proactively and not reactively to any flow suspension event.