
PowerApps export as package fails due to missing connections

Sometimes when we are working with PowerApps, adding new connections like to Microsoft Flow or external services and then we decide we don’t need some of them anymore and therefore we are removing it, but forgetting to first delete it in PowerApps, we are finding ourselves in situation, where when trying to export the app as a package, we are facing a very hard to debug issue.

Adaptive Cards

Introduction to Adaptive Cards

Some time ago a customer asked me about a more effective user experience when approving tasks in workflows. The reason was that a manager, who was always involved at some time, was on the position, that if he is just sent an e-mail with approval request, this e-mail is going to simply get lost in his inbox and therefore he wouldn’t be able to respond. On the other hand he is using Microsoft Teams often, so asked if he can be notified about a task approval via that app.