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Site Collection Administrator access denied when adding solutions

I have recently found myself in a situation, when after creation of a new, Modern Site (it was a modern Team Site) my account, even though that was set to be a SharePoint Administrator (even a tenant one :)) and a Site Collection Administrator wasn’t able to see links to any galleries in the Site Collection settings. Moreover, when accessing them using a direct links and then trying to ex. add a new solution, I was being told, that I have no permissions for that operation.

Tasks’ permissions in Nintex Workflow for Office 365

In Nintex Workflow for SharePoint (every version), when you use the “Flexi task” action, that creates and assigns tasks to specific users, if you (as a viewer) are not the assignee, workflow tells you that “You are not authorized to respond to this task.” – then to make yourself authorized you have to click the “delegate” link, then to reassign that task to yourself.