What’s coming up for Nintex in 2018?
Table of contents:
The Nintex Xchange conference in San Diego has just finished. Although I haven’t had the opportunity to be there myself, our community is sharing fast still hot news from the event. I decided to put them in order facing my personal interests.
1. Nintex Universal Forms
Universal Forms with Pages over all platforms! That’s great!!! Thanks #nintex #NINX18 @HanseVision pic.twitter.com/21uPqZIOLH
— Torsten Schlüter (@TorstenSchluter) February 27, 2018
A cool concept I’ve been hearing only rumors about. You were able to hear them during Euan Gamble (Nintex Forms Product Manager) session (unfortunately no slide deck is available). With no deep dive (I will be able to tell more once the private beta program is over) I can tell, that this will bring you as Form Designers a unique experience across every Nintex platform. They will be responsive and yes – they will replace existing Responsive Forms. The Standard (aka Pixel Perfect) forms will still be supported. Another thing is, they will work in on-premise, without a need to host a cloud infrastructure, according to what @Euan have revealed:
Universal forms will be able to run in SharePoint on-prem and will stay within your firewall. Its the cloud tech, on your hardware. #commonquestions #NINX18
— Euan Gamble (@NintexEuan) February 28, 2018
When Universal forms is release, the existing Responsive Forms option will be retired. Classic will continue to be supported #commonquestions #NINX18
— Euan Gamble (@NintexEuan) February 28, 2018
Universal forms rules allows you to change almost any property of any control. One rule can affect multiple controls reducing the number of controls required #commonquestions #NINX18
— Euan Gamble (@NintexEuan) March 1, 2018
Universal forms ‘File Upload’ control allows you to drag and drop multiple files onto the form. Drag, drop, done. #commonquestions #NINX18
— Euan Gamble (@NintexEuan) March 1, 2018
2. Pages
Universal Forms with Pages over all platforms! That’s great!!! Thanks #nintex #NINX18 @HanseVision pic.twitter.com/21uPqZIOLH
— Torsten Schlüter (@TorstenSchluter) February 27, 2018
This is a functionality coming along with Universal Forms. It will allow you ti finally collapse large forms and hide sections under separate tabs (or views, or pages). However you will call them, this functionality will give you the OOTB possibility to build a really good looking forms, multi-step forms, large forms and so on. It will also allow you to drag&drop controls on to specific pages and even in design view they will still be displayed as pages – so no more need to build veeeryy long forms and then collapse them to tabs using actions and CSS, as we used to do in Standard Forms. Cool!
3. Nintex Xtensions coming to Office 365
Rick showing how easy it is to create an Xtensions for Nintex Workflow for Office 365, this time integrating with Microsoft Planner directly from Workflow. #ninx18 pic.twitter.com/3E5T1LrdN9
— Alex Burton (@alexanderb) February 27, 2018
When in on-premise Nintex you were missing an action, there were always a possibility to write it on your own. In Office 365 there is no such possibility. You were able to make hybrid solutions, like for ex. I did with using Azure Functions, but these were all workarounds. Now this has to be said out loud, that Nintex in O365 is also becoming extensible. You will be able to create your own actions finally. Presentation was conducted by Rick De Marco, Mike Lewis and David Fitzpatrick. You can read more about it from the official presentation.
4. Component Workflows
Component workflows and Data Connections for forms are my two favorite new features coming to #Nintex this year. Lots of others features coming down the line too. #NINX18
— Owen Runnals (@orunnals) February 27, 2018
It was a kind of a surprise! This new feature will allow you to trigger Nintex O365 workflow with custom events. Not only triggred by SharePoint or started manually. What it means is that the workflow can be started by an action in Nintex Workflow Cloud or via Web Service.
5. Nintex Assistant
no code bot development coming to the nintex..aka the nintex assistant ..very interesting information #NINX18 #Ni… – https://t.co/MMwutNF5H1 pic.twitter.com/mzaPrQbReo
— ben stori (@benstori) February 27, 2018
Nintex Forms is bringing new solution, a bot, called Nintex Assistant. The new feature will be integrated into the Universal Forms and yes – it will be available on all platforms (on-premise too). It will allow more automatic filling of the forms. Just imagine then integration with Azure Cognitive Services, Planner or Teams. Really. Get work done. Fast!
Nintex Assistant will also bring push functionality to Mobile Apps and App Studio applications.
This presentation was done by John Corry (Product Manager for Mobile) and Patrick Hosh.
6. Some other new features
Integration with Azure Cognitive Services right from Nintex Workflow Cloud.
Task forms for Nintex Workflow Cloud.
Data Connections – ability to create custom connectors in Nintex Workflow Cloud.
There is also a lot cool new smaller features having impact on increasing your productivity, but.. as they were shared during the vTE preday I am not yet allowed to speak out out loud.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to be there, but still thrive to get more detailed information register yourself to one from 4 Nintex WorldTour events: https://www.nintex.com/company/events-webinars/events/nintex-world-tour.