Microsoft Flow

Add Office 365 group members using Microsoft Flow

This may seem trivial, but if you want to create a Flow, that is parameterized, where a name of a group and list of members is passed as the request parameters then it turns out it is not that straightforward. 

In Microsoft Flow there is a set of actions, that allow to work with Office 365 Groups. There is also one dedicated to adding new members (only “Members”. There is no way currently to add “Owners”).

SharePoint Online

How To: SharePoint grouped view conditional formatting

Recently my customer asked me to create a dashboard, to monitor completion of tasks in a workflow. The idea was to highlight completed, on track and overdue tasks with different colors. First I thought about using SharePoint list with Modern Experience, and column formatting. But then I was asked, not only to highlight rows for tasks, but also their grouping header – as there were many tasks created per each group of tasks and the customer wanted to see status of a whole group ad-hoc, without a need to drill down.